Allan Collett Horsemanship operates from a safe and tranquil rural property on the outskirts of the small country town of Alexandra. Allan and his small team of passionate employees provide a variety of equine services that cater for the weekend hobby rider to professionals in all disciplines. We have a strong emphasis on safety and empowering horse owners with knowledge gained through a physical and mental connection to their equine partner.
Allan’s starting process has a strong emphasis on exposing horses to a wide variety of situations that they will ultimately experience in the human world. As we bring horses into our world it’s our responsibility to develop them with a confident and relaxed frame of mind. All horses are well versed in groundwork and a solid riding foundation that sets them up for the future regardless of the discipline. Owners are welcome to attend weekly visits and blend into their equine partner before taking them home. Education includes groundwork, riding foundation (walk, trot, canter), tying, foot handling, floating, rugging, hosing. One of the biggest points of difference having your horse started with Allan is exposure. Horses are ridden and floated out on a regular basis to a variety of different rural and urban environments.
Many of the horses in work at Allan’s establishment are either being brought back into work for the nervous rider or problem horses. We work with and assess the horse, helping the horse gain confidence and understanding. It is then Allan supports and advises clients on how to work with their horse going forward.
Allan conducts clinics across his home state of Victoria as well as interstate. Clinics give people exposure to many of the exercises required to develop a solid horse human relationship. Clinics also give horse and rider a safe, controlled and encouraging environment to work on common problematic situations that arise in everyday life with horses.